
At TinyTO, we believe that it's the people in the homes that really matter.



The Core Team

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Abraham Wairisal 

Environmental Engineer

Building Science Advisor

Kelsey Carriere

Urban & Environmental

Planning Advisor

Jacob antoni

Cooperative Design Officer

Architect & Builder


Erwang Li

Cooperative Operations Officer

Digital Curator


Frederico Neumann

Digital Strategist

Interactive Media Intern

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Eddie Lee

Cooperative Funding Officer

First Financial Controller

Summer 2017 Team

Michael Hood

Prototype Design

Engineering Intern

Hunya Lakhani

Business Strategist

Economics Intern

Erin Saiki

Structural Design

Engineering Intern

Adam Castiel

Product Design

Engineering Intern

Benjamin Chang

Concept Design

Engineering Intern

Denny Min

Industry Relations

Engineering Intern


Sa'ad Ahmed - FOUNDER

"The reality of living in Toronto has pushed the envelope of creativity on how we live. The lifestyle of living on land is fast disappearing as we urbanize faster than ever. Creating solutions for peri-urban excites me. Take a look at our designs to see if a backyard living space works for you."