Sustainable Suburbs. The planning board of old Toronto is focused on creating more condos and apartments with limited access to green space. Apartment units have become smaller and smaller without significant decreases in there prices. While condos …

Sustainable Suburbs. The planning board of old Toronto is focused on creating more condos and apartments with limited access to green space. Apartment units have become smaller and smaller without significant decreases in there prices. While condos are rapidly developing in the city. Not enough thought and effort has gone into developing the suburbs. 



The Coach Houses and Granny Flats of the next generation are opening opportunities to test and research the latest energy efficient designs, technologies, and materials.  We use Passive House principles with sustainable building materials and technologies in order to optimize space and energy use throughout the seasons. Well above 100,000 backyards in the Greater Toronto Area have the excess space needed for a DADU (Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit) commonly known as laneway houses. 


The map above shows the square feet of all the individual lots in the city of Toronto.

The map above shows the square feet of all the individual lots in the city of Toronto.